Kif tidħol fis-SuperForex

How to Sign in to SuperForex on the Web app
Initially, access the SuperForex website and enter your registered account, which had been sent to your email after registration. Once you have finished, click Login.
If you haven’t registered, please follow the instructions:How to Register Account on SuperForex.
Congratulation! You can log in to SuperForex without any complicated steps or obstacles.
Note:It’s important to note that accessing your trading terminal requires your trading password, which is not visible in the Client Summary. If you forget your password, you can reset it by selecting "Change trading password" in the settings. It’s worth mentioning that sign-in details such as MT4 sign-in or server number remain fixed and cannot be altered.
How to Sign in to Trading Platform: MT4
In the "Client Summary" section, first, select "Download Platform" to download SuperForex MT4 to your device.
After completing the download and installation, you will use your SuperForex account credentials to log in to the MT4 platform Sign-in information for the account has been sent to your email after registration).
Click "Finish" once you entered the sign-in information.
Congratulations on successfully logging into the MT4 platform with your SuperForex account. Don’t hesitate any longer; start trading now.
How to Sign in to SuperForex on the Mobile app
Firstly, search for the keyword "SuperForex" on the App Store or Google Play on your mobile device, and select "INSTALL" to proceed with the installation of the SuperForex mobile application.
Then, run and enter the SuperForex Mobile App using your registered account, which includes the account number (a series of numbers) and the password sent to your email after registration. Then choose "Sign in".
If you haven’t registered yet or are unsure how to register an account, please refer to the following article and follow the instructions:How to Register Account on SuperForex.
Within a brief process, you successfully log in to the SuperForex Mobile App.
How to Recover your SuperForex password
On the SuperForex website, select "Forgot password?" to initiate the password recovery process.
Sussegwentement, daħħal il-kont tiegħek (serje ta' numri mogħtija permezz tal-email tiegħek wara r-reġistrazzjoni). Imbagħad ikklikkja "Ibgħat" biex tkompli.
Meta tagħmel dan, tintbagħat email ta' konferma fl-indirizz elettroniku tiegħek. Iftaħ dik l-email u agħżel "Ibdel il-Password" .
Sussegwentement, għandek bżonn sempliċiment li ddaħħal il-password il-ġdida li tixtieq tissettja u tikkonferma dik il-password. Ladarba tkun lestejt dan, agħżel "Ibgħat" biex tiffinalizza l-proċess ta 'rkupru tal-password.
Mistoqsijiet Frekwenti (FAQ)
Kemm hi l-ispiża biex tiftaħ il-kont tal-kummerċ ta' SuperForex?
Tista 'tiftaħ il-kont tal-kummerċ ta' SuperForex (kemm live kif ukoll demo) b'xejn, mingħajr ebda spejjeż.
Il-proċess tal-ftuħ tal-kont jista' jieħu biss ftit minuti biex jitlesta.
Biex tibda tinnegozja Forex u CFDs ma 'SuperForex, għandek bżonn biss tagħmel depożitu wara li jinfetaħ il-kont.
Il-proċess ta' validazzjoni tal-kont mhuwiex meħtieġ biex tibda tinnegozja ma' SuperForex.
F'liema munita bażi nista' niftaħ kont ECN Standard?
Tista' tiftaħ il-kont Standard ECN ta' SuperForex fil-muniti bażi li ġejjin.
- USD.
- EUR.
- GBP.
F'liema munita bażi nista' niftaħ kont STP Standard?
Tista' tiftaħ il-kont STP Standard ta' SuperForex fil-muniti bażi li ġejjin.
- USD.
- EUR.
- GBP.
- RUB.
- ZAR.
- NGN.
- THB.
- INR.
- BDT.
- CNY.
Seamless SuperForex Signing In għal Kummerċ Effiċjenti
Fil-qosor, l-aċċess għall-kont SuperForex tiegħek huwa sempliċi u jiżgura dħul malajr fid-dinja dinamika tal-kummerċ tal-forex. Billi jsegwu l-passi deskritti biex jiffirmaw, l-utenti jistgħu jgħaqqdu bla xkiel mal-kontijiet tagħhom u jiksbu aċċess immedjat għal għodod u riżorsi b'saħħithom. Id-dedikazzjoni ta' SuperForex għal esperjenza ta' reġistrazzjoni faċli għall-utent tenfasizza l-impenn tagħha li tipprovdi lill-kummerċjanti aċċess effiċjenti u sigur għall-portafolli finanzjarji tagħhom.